heavy rescue training llc

Rope Rescue: NFPA 1670 - Awareness Level (RX-AL)

Prerequisite: None.           

Duration: Three hours.

This multi-media, open discussion presentation covers all of the requirements needed to bring one’s agency into Awareness Level compliance with Chapter 4 of NFPA’s 1670 standard for rope rescue. This information allows all department members to safely assist the technical rescue team at the scene of a rescue.

Rope Rescue: NFPA 1670 - Operations Level Skills (RX-OLS)

Prerequisite: None.           

Duration: Three days.

Based upon their response district, some agencies do not need all of the skills required to operate at the Technician Level. Other agencies utilize a small Technician team and provide support from Operations Level personnel. Regardless of which model the agency uses, RX-OLS will provide the needed skills and concepts to meet the requirements outlined by the NFPA.

Rope Rescue: NFPA 1670/1006 - Technician Level Skills (RX-TLS)

Prerequisite: None.           

Duration: Six to Eight days (depending the client's training needs).

RX-TLS not only meets all of the Technician Level requirements as outlined in NFPA 1670, it also meets all of the requirements for the Rope Rescue Technician (Professional Qualifications) outlined in NFPA 1006, Chapter 4. RX-TLS is based on a streamlined format that allows the agency to meet all of the NFPA requirements in a relatively short, but intensive period of time without sacrificing safety or efficiency. Team-based rescue operations is the primary focus of this course. 

NOTE ON RX-OLS and TLS: In the rope rescue world, there are many methods available to accomplish the same task. For the NFPA 1670 programs, we have selected what we believe to be those skills that are the safest, simplest and easiest to remember. While we at HRT support NFPA 1670 and 1006, we feel that the "NFPA Technician Level" skills represent the MINIMUM STANDARD for working in the rope rescue arena and that teams and individuals that respond to rope-based rescues should pursue further, more advanced training.

Rope Rescue: Industrial/Structural - Level I and Level II (RX-IND - Levels I & II)

Prerequisite: None.

Duration: Four to Five days each level (depending the client's training needs).

RX-IND was specifically created for our industrial clients. The training, techniques and systems mesh perfectly with the industrial team’s operating environment. Refineries, steel mills, power plants and other unique facilities require a special type of structural rigging and rescue techniques. Further, most industries are required to follow certain OSHA regulations during training and actual rescues. Our industrial training program will cover these regulations in depth and will also bring any in-plant rescue team up to an NFPA Technician Level using proven training methods and techniques designed specifically for the unique industrial environment.

NOTE ON RX-IND- Levels I & II: Combine these courses with Confined Space: Industrial Entry and Rescue for a complete program to meet the rescue requirements outlined in OSHA’s 29 CFR 1910.146, Paragraph K and Appendix F

rope rescue
NFPA 1670 - Awareness Level
NFPA 1670 - Operations Level
NFPA 1670/1006 - Technician Level
Personal Skills
Steep Angle / Slope Evac
Advanced Rescue: Highlines and Tensioned Adjuncts
Advanced Rescue: Urban Interface / Cliff Rescue
Advanced Rescue: Ground-Up Rescue
Advanced Rescue: Artificial High Directionals
Advanced Rescue: Team Skills
Rope Rescue: Personal Skills (RX-PS)

Prerequisite: RX-OLS or equivalent.          

Duration: Three days.

Beyond tying knots, rigging anchors and providing an appropriate belay, basic personal rope skills include descending, ascending, changing the direction of travel (up to down and down to up) and passing knots on a fixed line. A knowledge of these basic skills allows the rescuer to move up and down in the vertical world, escape undesirable situations and perform self-rescue should the need arise. RX-PS covers the above skills as well as passing redirects and rebelays, rope to rope transfers and basic horizontal aid climbing.

NOTE ON RX-PS: This course covers the basic rope skills needed to pass the Level I SPRAT test.

Rope Rescue: Steep Angle/Slope Evacuations (RX-SAE)

Prerequisite: RX-OLS or equivalent.          

Duration: One day.

Many agencies do not have "high angle" environments within their response district that cannot be reached with an aerial apparatus. However, almost every agency has some kind of steep angle or slope where patient extrications and rescue can prove to be dangerous and challenging. Foothills, freeway burrow pits, gullies, waterways, etc. can all pose a problem for the unprepared. RX-SAE takes the students through numerous steep angle rigging and slope evacuation options/skills.  

Advanced Rope Rescue: Highlines and Tensioned Adjuncts (ARX-HS)

Prerequisite: RX-TLS or equivalent.               

Duration: Four days.

Many teams view tensioned rope systems (highlines and tensioned adjuncts) as "gee-whiz" operations only or shy away from them completely due to the complexity of rigging and the potential forces on the system. Both of these perceptions are unfortunate. If understood and done properly, tensioned rope systems can be an extremely valuable tool in any team's "rescue toolbox." ARX-HS guides the students through the theory, construction, safety precautions and operational usage of the different types of Tensioned Adjuncts and various types of highline and reeving rope systems. 

Advanced Rope Rescue: Urban Interface (ARX-UI)

Prerequisite: RX-TLS or equivalent.          

Duration: Three days.

ARX-UI is designed for those teams that train and respond mainly within the "urban" environment, but have the potential to be called into the "urban/rural interface." Departments that border the foothills, recreational climbing areas, small canyons or rock outcroppings may be required to perform rescues in these environments. RX-UI teaches "structural-based" teams how to handle the occasional "wilderness-based" rescue using many of the same basic techniques with environmentally specific modifications.


Advanced Rope Rescue: Ground-Up Structure Rescue (ARX-GU)

Prerequisite: RX-TLS or equivalent.               

Duration: Three days.

The significant majority of rope rescues can be handled with a "top-down" approach. Occasionally however, teams find themselves confronted with a patient that cannot be accessed from above. ARX-GU introduces the students to principles and techniques needed to reach patients from below using structural climbing and ground-up rescue techniques. These same techniques can also be used for rescuing rock climbers and others trapped on cliffs.


Advanced Rope Rescue: Artificial High Directionals (ARX-AHD)

Prerequisite: RX-TLS or equivalent.

Duration: One or two days.

The use of Artificial High Directionals (AHDs) greatly eases the edge transition of any rope rescue. Unfortunately, few teams take full advantage of these unique and useful tools. The different types of AHDs, their applications and usage are all covered in this rigging intensive course. A special emphasis is placed on the AZ Vortex.

Advanced Rope Rescue: Team Skills and Problem Solving (ARX-TS)

Prerequisite: RX-TLS or equivalent.

Duration: Three to five days.

Rigging intensive, ARX-TS, focuses on solving the "rest of the problem." A strong emphasis is placed on tactical decision making, advanced rope operations and team leadership. Alternative rigging and rope systems are demonstrated as participants work through seemingly complex scenario-based evolutions. Team members are introduced to multiple rope-based techniques and encouraged to analyze and challenge every aspect of the system. Day, night, rain or shine...all aspects of rope-based rescue are "in play" as teams are moved through difficult and challenging evolutions. RX-ATS is physically, mentally and technically demanding, requiring participants to not only learn and master new skills but to re-think the "how" and the "why" of other "standardized" rope rescue systems.