heavy rescue training llC
Operator Escape
Simple Descend
Tactical Rope-Based Access
Alternate Tactical Entry

Operator Escape (TR-OE)

Prerequisite: None            

Duration: One day.

Tactical marksmen, Emergency Action Team members, containment officers, forward observers and others occasionally must egress rapidly from a structure or exfil from an elevated area. Operator Escape is based around the use of light, portable, personal escape kits like Petzl’s Tactical EXO. Operators are taken through various improvised anchoring options and methods used to escape and descend from an elevated position.

Simple Descent (T-SD)

Prerequisite: None            

Duration: One half day.

Many tactical teams do not have a need to access elevated structures or areas yet see the value in providing their members with some rappelling experience. Designed to introduce operators to the basics of rope-based descent, this course introduces the participants to “standard” rappelling techniques and skills.

Tactical Rope-Based Access (T-RBA)

Prerequisite: None            

Duration: Two to three days.

Tactical Rope-Based Access is designed for those teams that need to deploy remote listening devices and distraction tools, enter through windows or elevator shafts and generally move at will at elevations beyond the reach of standard tactical movement options. This course introduces and then solidifies the tactics, techniques and skills required to deploy operators at heights through intensive hands-on training and scenarios. Top-down, ground-up and lateral rope-based movement under arms is covered in depth. Much of the curriculum is tailor-made with the input of the client to create a system of skills that meets the team’s operation needs and environment.

Alternate Tactical Entry (T-ATE)

Prerequisite: None            

Duration: One half day.

In between the battering ram and explosive breaching, there exists a series of techniques that allow tactical operators in the urban environment to access and enter structures using both dynamic or stealth methods. Alternate Tactical Entry exposes those assigned to the breaching team to new options and alternatives in “opening up” the structure for the team entry.

Please contact us for more details.